What is the Best Material for a Dining Table?

The dining table is where we share meals, have conversations, and create memories. When choosing a dining table, it’s important to consider the material as it plays a significant role in the durability, maintenance, and overall aesthetic appeal of the table. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the best materials for dining tables.


Oak is one of the best materials for dining tables thanks to its durability and timeless look. It’s a hardwood that is resistant to scratches and dents, making it ideal for busy households. Oak is also versatile and can be stained or painted to suit any interior decor. Solid wood tables such as oak are more costly than cheaper woods, but you are paying for quality and longevity.


  • Durable and long-lasting
  • Timeless look that suits any decor
  • Resistant to scratches and dents


  • Can be a more expensive option
  • Requires maintenance to preserve its finish, such as applying an oil or wax.


Elm is another hardwood that is a great choice for dining tables. It has a unique, rustic look that adds character to any room. Elm is also known for its durability and resistance to warping or splitting. However, it can be prone to scratches and dents, so it may require regular maintenance to keep the surface in prime condition.


  • Unique, rustic look
  • Durable and resistant to warping or splitting


  • Prone to scratches and dents



Pine is a softwood that is popular for its affordability and light colour. It’s a lightweight material that is easy to move around and can be stained or painted to match any interior decor. However, pine is not as durable as hardwoods like oak or elm and may scratch or dent easily, but a solid pine table will still be incredibly sturdy and long-lasting, making it one of the best dining table materials for those who don’t want to spend hardwood prices.


  • Usually more affordable than hardwood
  • Lightweight and easy to move
  • Can be stained or painted to match existing decor


  • Not as durable as hardwoods


Beech is a hardwood that has a light colour and a smooth, uniform texture, and is a strong and durable material that can withstand daily use. Beech is also resistant to moisture and warping, making it ideal for humid environments such as a kitchen diner. However, beech is a hardwood and can be expensive.


  • Strong and durable
  • Smooth, uniform texture
  • Resistant to moisture and warping


  • Can be costly

Granite Top

If you want something different from natural wood, a granite top dining table is a luxurious option that can add elegance to any room. Granite is a natural stone that is extremely durable and resistant to scratches and heat. It’s also easy to clean and maintain, making it ideal for busy households. However, granite is very heavy, which may make it difficult to move the table around the house if you redecorate.


  • Luxurious and elegant look
  • Incredibly durable
  • Resistant to scratches and heat
  • Easy to clean and maintain


  • Can be costly
  • Heavy and difficult to move

A note on reclaimed wood

If you’re looking for a wooden dining table, consider reclaimed wood as it’s much more characterful and environmentally friendly. Reclaimed wood is sourced from old structures or furniture and has a unique look that cannot be replicated by new wood. It’s also a sustainable option as it reduces the demand for new wood and helps to preserve natural resources.

Choosing the best table to match your existing decor

When choosing a dining table material, it’s important to consider the other decor you want in the room and pick a material that complements it. For example, a rustic interior decor may be better suited to a reclaimed wood dining table, while a modern interior may be better suited to a granite top dining table.


Ultimately, the best material for your dining table depends on your budget, style preferences, and maintenance requirements. By considering these factors, you can choose a dining table that will last for years to come and create a beautiful, inviting dining area for your family and friends to enjoy. You can browse our range of dining tables here.

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